just one light can spark a flame
Natalie Miller Natalie Miller

just one light can spark a flame

In today's love letter, we discuss what it looks like to NOT quench the Spirit -- and how doing so can light not only a small spark, but also an entire flame.

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where are you, natalie ?
Natalie Miller Natalie Miller

where are you, natalie ?

In this post, I discuss my year-long hiatus. I also share the direction of this blog and all the things I want to write about in the future!

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bias and how it affects our ability to share the Gospel (bias, pt 1)
Politics, Godly Natalie Miller Politics, Godly Natalie Miller

bias and how it affects our ability to share the Gospel (bias, pt 1)

Bias: we all have it. However, should we be sharing everything about ourselves online, including our political affiliations? If we do as Christians, are we enabling ourselves to be able to better share the Gospel? Or are we just hindering ourselves from being open to a whole world of people that are left in the dark? All this and more discussed on this latest blog post!

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a new start
Girly, Godly Natalie Miller Girly, Godly Natalie Miller

a new start

What better way to kick off the celebration of this new year with a new host site, a new writing style, and the story of my writing journey from its start to today?

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